Selasa, 06 April 2010

Pedoman pelaksanaan Ujian Praktik Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2009-2010
Jenis Praktik;
A.      Speaking
1.       Baca dan pahami teks analytical di bawah ini
2.       Beri komentar terhadap isi teks tersebut, apakah kalian setuju atau tidak setuju dengan sudut pandang yang disampaikan oleh penulis.
3.       Sampaikan opini kalian secara langsung pada saat ujian praktik.
4.       Setiap siswa tidak diperkenankan untuk membawa atau melihat catatan dalam bentuk apapun pada saat menyampaikan opini.
5.       Lama waktu penyampaian opini minimal 2 menit dan maksimal 5 menit. Bagi siswa yang kurang dari 2 menit menyampaikan opini, tim penguji tidak akan memberi nilai dan sebagai konsekuensi harus melakukan ujian ulang.

                My name is Mr.Ganteng. In my opinion, children should be educated at home. These are my reasons:
1.       The government would save a lot of money. It would not need to build schools and pay teachers. Neither would it need to pay electricity and water bills or pay for more books and teaching materials. The money saved could be used to pay for more important things such as medical reseach, hospital upgrading and food for the homeless.
2.       Technology has improved so much that children can learn just as well at home, using computers. Parents could be trained to show children how to use the internet for leaqrning.
3.       There would be fewer distraction at home. When children are placed in nooisy classrooms, they can not learn very much. On the other hand, in thepeace and quiet of their own home they can learn a a lot more.
4.       There would be no bullying. Some children are so upset by bullying in school that they experience learning difficulties. They can not concentrate as they are worried about what the bullies will do to them. However, this would not be a problem in the child’s own home.
5.       Children would be safer when they do not have to travel to school. Both parents and children would no longer have fears of traffic accident on the way to school or on the way home. Parents would not have to worry about their children talking to strangers.

For the benefit of all children, I would urge parents and the government to seriously consider allowing children to be educated at home.


Pedoman pelaksanaan Ujian Praktik Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2009-2010
Jenis Praktik;
A.      Writing
1.       Buatlah sebuah teks dalam bentuk analytical exposition.
2.       Pilihlah salah satu tema di bawah ini untuk mengembangkan teks tersebut.
3.       Perhatikan struktur organisasi teks analytical exposition dengan seksama.
4.       Banyaknya paragrap minimal 4 paragrap.
5.       Teks dikumpulkan dalam bentuk hard copy selambat-lambatnya pada saat pelaksanaan ujian.
6.       Tidaka ada toleransi waktu bagi siswa yang terlambat mengumpulkan teks.

Buatlah sebuah teks analytical dengan memilih salah satu tema di bawah ini.
1.       Children are not allowed to work.
2.       Health is not everything, but without health everything becomes nothing.
3.       Social status guarantees our welfare.
4.       Street children do not get the right to have welfare.
5.       Hi-tech can create welfare.
6.       Almost all developing countries are prosperous.
7.       High quality products show their high rank users.
8.       The students of natural science pograms have a better future than those of other  programs.
9.       The development of internet make students lazy to read a book
10.   National Examination (UN) make a large opportunity for students to cheat.

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